Hiya gang! I was a teeny bit confused by "big-time" on panel 3, so I asked Pete about it. A few of you might be similarly confused so I figured it's best to post the explanation here.
When Shanklin says Bun-bun is on big-time, what he means is that bun-bun's got plenty of people, securing his timeline, and is in no danger of freezing in timeless space. I'd thought that perhaps Big-Time was the original name of the ship that is now called the Bloody Bun, but that's not the case at all. Stupid Thyla.

Saturdays brought to you by Clay Yount of Rob and Elliot!
Psst! Hey kids, remember Dr. Lorna? No? We first met her here!

Hey everybody! When writing up this part of the script I checked with Thyla on dress fabrics that would protect bun-bun from getting zapped. She said cotton would work, and that silk would work too. I chose silk because I thought it would be a funnier type of dress for Bun-bun to request, and didn’t think about it again until this strip was about to go live, and… silk just doesn’t sound right to me. Plus I think it’s flammable. So I’m thinking of changing it to cotton in both comics. Anywho figured I’d give you all a heads up that if there’s anything wrong, its all thyla’s fault! ;) Kidding, it’s actually mine for being lazy on the legwork. Then again if silk works, nevermind. I’m sure I’ll get e-mail on it.

Hey everyone! I almost hit artistic burnout. I’m trying to do giant sized comics each day to keep the action up to pace but almost had to pull an emergency filler-strip. But I hate doing that especially when it breaks the momentum of the strips. So instead I decided to cut this strip in half. So, is a cut in half strip (which is bigger than a standard daily) better or worse than emergency filler? You’ll have to decide when you see the second half tomorrow and let me know how you feel!

Hey everybody! I had wanted to run this strip tomorrow but with everything else we had to race to get done by update tonight there was no time. But dont fear a filler for Thanksgiving! Oceans Unmoving races ahead tomorrow!

Hi everyone! OK this completes the trilogy! When I did the first filer sketch it was just a stand alone drama-Gwynn sketch. It was only when doing the Zoë art that a concept came together of a story of suspense and horror with a twist ending in three panels. Now I know I only planned on running these Friday and Sunday, so I was going to save the third for the next time I needed emergency filler but realized these three had to appear close together to make any of sense.

Many thanks to Baloun (TheVoices) for reenacting the part of the moron rogue. Yes, this really happened.

Many thanks to Sanaeke (Hunter), Avarre (green hair), and Shariqyn (blonde hair) for playing their parts in this comic. While the part about not wanting to quest with Sana is somewhat untrue, the part about hunters winning all the loot and disenchanting it is completely and utterly true, as any WoW player (except hunters) will confirm.
Apologies also for the somewhat WoW-centric joke - it was just too much to resist. Please don't hate me! *cute look*

Many thanks to Ferretshock and Jacktheblade (conveniently not visible due to image editing) for helping me put this one together.

And once again, thanks to Baloun (Thevoices), Ferretshock, and Jacktheblade for helping put this together.