I personally felt this comic is a little stretched but it serves to move armed Torg and Riff back to the townhouse and Kiki rocks. I feel bad for the chicken though.

This week brought to you by the dynamic duo of Barb and Chris from Fragile Gravity! And the wrongness of the last panel is monumental! My poor eyes! ;)

Warning: there is no assurance of quality for the next 7 days. You have been warned.
REF: Stick-Figures in Spaaaaaace: PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Something about the caption-gag in today’s strip reminded me of something Clay did so I flipped through a bunch of his Saturdays to find this comic! It turns out I’m actually doing a different gag, but MAN did Clay do some great Sluggy strips! This reminds me to drop a plug for Clay! Rob and Elliot! Cosmo Bear!