falls, Chen takes blame.
Daedalus "We will
rise from the ashes"
House of Cheese is born.
Daedalus orders
revenge on Schlock.
Dr. Schlock takes over House of Cheese.

Daedalus 'Oasis Slaughter Tracking System' (Panel 8).
Schlock's nanites.
Schlock protects
his nanites from Aylee's EMP.
Riff finds Schlock: (1) (2) (3)
Schlock and Riff sharing
Riff mentions to
Torg after this flashback about Shock's with the Mark 19.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

In case anyone was wondering where Kusari was two comics ago
Do I really need to reference-link the original Coppertone ad? Really? God, Im old!

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

"Or did you both forget dragging me into your 'alien cloning
project' against my will?"
Schlock gets nabbed (shown
via puppets)
Schlock ReNabbed
Schlock gets ReNabbed (shown
via puppets)
"Chen, remember trying to blame me for sabotaging it?"
"And so much later Daedalus, you sent Kusari out to kill
me for no good reason?"

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Todays Winter Holiday 2008 (and some 09) Random Extravaganza! kicks off with our old friend and MITDOP legend Ian McDonald!

Todays Winter Holiday 2008 (and some 09) Random Extravaganza! is brought to you by D. M. Jeftinija Ph.D whose webcomic was inspired by our very own Lego weeks. OK who wants Legos for Christmas now?

Todays Winter Holiday 2008 (and some 09) Random Extravaganza! is brought to you by ME!
Ref: Torg-money (don't tell Bun-bun) | Fully Functional Spaceship.

Todays Winter Holiday 2008 (and some 09) Random Extravaganza! is brought to you by our own Sluggy.net mod dotwarner of Dabbled.org!

Todays Winter Holiday 2008 (and some 09) Random Extravaganza! is brought to you by D. M. Jeftinija Ph.D whose webcomic was inspired by our very own Lego weeks. OK now *I* want Legos for Christmas!

Todays Winter Holiday 2008 (and some 09) Random Extravaganza! is brought to you by D. M. Jeftinija Ph.D whose webcomic was inspired by our very own Lego weeks.

Todays Winter Holiday 2008 (and some 09) Random Extravaganza! is brought to you by our own Sluggy.net mod dotwarner of Dabbled.org! This ones my favorite!

Today's "Winter Holiday 2008 (and some 09) Random Extravaganza!" is
brought to you by Super Beloved Sluggite Skullx!

Todays Winter Holiday 2008 (and some 09) Random Extravaganza! is brought to you by Super Beloved Sluggite Skullx (of Radbu and NearAndFar)! Cake vs. pie! I am Switzerland here but Billy Buddy sez: like pie.

Todays Winter Holiday 2008 (and some 09) Random Extravaganza! welcomes 2009 with our Bikini Suicide Frisbee Days Master Craftsman Clay Yount!

OK, so I thought I had these two weeks taken care of, content-wise. I traveled a lot this holiday season and made sure I would be home for a few days before the 1st so I could rustle up some content for the last three days of my vacation. What I didnt count on was being so wiped out. Ive barely emailed or called anybody since I got home, so I havent arranged any guests for the last three days. *Shrug* so I guess youll all have to put up with some quick doodles from yours truly! See ya on the 5th!

SayerSong (from the boards) read about my predicament of running out of art and offered this little number! Thanks SayerSong! Thisll give me some extra breathing room because I am back as of tomorrow! As a side note I believe any violence done unto Kiki would be because of uttering the phrase my bad as the bottle of 151 rum appears to be one of those little airplane bottles. But thats just my theory.

Ref Vrykolakas (Vrykovamp) first mentioned by Arminius Vambrey And they look very creepy sneaking up behind Torg here.

Refs: Vrykolakas at war with the Sam Cirkail Mamajama | Last time we saw Sam in Hell (panel three) | Fourth of July (he’s behind the bush!) | All that stuff Torg’s talking about is somewhere around here!

So I was at a relatives house for thanksgiving keeping oven-watch over the turkey while sketching. One of my nieces watching a show called School Rumble. I have no idea what the anime was about but the 30 seconds of the episode I saw seemed to be composed of vapid girls in bathing suits at the beach and brainless guys staring at them and fainting. Anywho it inspired me to do todays sketch of Zoë and Gwynn, and seemed a fitting cap to the week of Sams return.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Lauren of Chain Bear!
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart and Lauren of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art is brought to you by our own Sluggy.net mod dotwarner of Dabbled.org. Oasis wishes you all a happy Valentine's Day. Feel free to run for it. You won't make it.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear. Stuart? Yes, Stuart!
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Ref Links: Zombie Project and Massacre | Hereti-Corp Formation Date | Orsintos VA and The Orphanage.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

OK so I saw Watchmen today. And LOVED it! Id advise this, though. Dont see it until you read the graphic novel. Otherwise youll only like the movie half as much as you would and youll never be able to appreciate the masterpiece the graphic novel is. I actually only read it somewhat recently. Thanks Big Kev! ;)

I've decided to take over Sunday for Stuart and Lauren over at Chain Bear this week! As disturbing as this may be to watch *I* had to actually draw the thing!

This is technically only half the comic I intended for today, but my work-speed was grinding to a halt and I was burning out. So I apologize that this is only half the intended comic. I dont think this is a good solution, only better than running a filler comic mid-fall.

On “Sami” and “Urch”: Congratulations to Samantha and “Person Known Only As Urchin!” Samantha won our Dragon*Con SBG Sluggy Cameo contest in 2007 and it's taken THIS LONG for me to figure out a glorious way to kill her off. Similar to Thalia and Clint, Samantha wanted to gift the cameo to her friend Urchin and I decided (with her permission) I'd cameo them both. Wait a minute! They're not dead yet! Maybe in a twist they'll survive! Tune in tomorrow to find out!

The original version of the strip had the fish in the last panel singing “Swimming, swimming, keep on swimming, keep on swimming…” But I thought even if you’ve SEEN “Finding Nemo” you still might not get it. And no, the fish is not a reoccurring sentient new character. If fact, if I wasn’t racing the clock (and losing), I might have cut the last panel completely. Anywho, congratulations again to our cameo winners, and happy Friday the 13th everybody!

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

OK I had to do one more. I could not resist. I got this one from Tormuse on the reactions forums. Sure each character might not be a perfect analogy for a watchman character but SamDaMan-dias just rolls off the tongue too perfectly. thanks Tormuse!

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Stuart told me that this was "part of a tiered picture." I think Stuart is up to something! Although Torg and Riff are looking at you like YOURE up to something.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
A continuation of last week's piece, Now ZOË is looking at you like you're up to something.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

A blue-pencil sketch I did during a panel at Anime Detour. I didnt know what it was going to be until I was finished and Im still not sure!

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
A continuation of the last two pieces, this is the final part of the "Everyone thinks you're crazy" series!
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Fengs "Good Fortune"...
Last time we saw the Fate Spiders...
Schlock, holding gun, remarking on Feng...

A jolly belated Easter comic by Lauren of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Torg gives the address to Oasis | Kesandru House Destroyed | "Names of the Other Scientists" who worked on the Oasis File uncovered!

Today's art created for you by Lauren of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

I suppose this is a sketch if Zoë was played by a young Jennifer Love Hewitt. Sometimes sketches just GO that way.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

First Strom Appearance | Strom shooting Oasis in the head | What Oasis did about it | Last Strom Appearance | Last Schlock Appearance.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Lauren of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
This was actually a LONNNNG one, so click here to witness the full webcomic community service message from Chain Bear!
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

I noticed a few comments on the Reactions Forums about what type of gun Bun-bun is currently wielding. I would like to say, for the record, Bun-bun calls it a "Glock". Are you going to correct him? To his face?

I mistakenly gave Chain Bear the day off assuming I'd be changing my schedule drastically. So I drastically increased the color of one of Friday's panels myself!

This American Bun-bun sketch popped into my head having nothing to do with Bun-buns current fight with Oasis or the panel of the comic that preceded this. Sometimes timing just works out that way.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

This crappy sketch art has nothing to do with the current story. Let me explain. Oh Noes! OK I screwed up. I didnt get back to the guys of of Chain Bear in enough time to secure tonights art. Luckily I had filler art from the Sometime in the Recent Past Week(s) story that I didnt run. Some of you might remember that the Sunday of the first week arrived three hours late. I was so far behind I was going to run this sketch and suggest Id do double duty later. (Doesnt that take some of you old school Sluggites back? Sunday on Monday and Two for Tuesday Catch-up?) But I realized I couldnt do it. I couldnt run filler during filler. That would be like reinforcements calling in reinforcements. That's just silly. So anywho here you are!

I have to be really sharp on my scripts for the next part of the story, and I unfortunately suffered a mild case of Writers-Block/Burn-Out today. Ill try to make up for this sketch by increasing the content and speed of the story next week.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Handy Lots-o-Ref-Links: "She's Nobody" | Love Note | Doesn't Love Oasis |Wants to marry Oasis (and gives address) | Empty lot | First time Oasis saw Zoë | Last time Oasis saw Zoë.

Today's "Inky Torg" art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Major Ref: Schlock reveals that Torg is the key finding Dr.
Steve's Base-Lab, and that Riff's death at Oasis' hands would
set him on that path.
Ordered Confined to Office Ref | Random Corsica-Gennaro Ref.
Fun Fact: Did you know "Pish Posh" has only been used 4
times in Sluggy history, and by four separate characters?

Today's art was created many moons ago by the great Gene Ha, straight out of the strip from November 17th, 2008 (save for the "What Would Riff Do T-shirt), and used in the Emerald City Comic-Con 09 Charity Artbook (page 44). Gene sent me the original art which is framed proudly in my office. Thanks Gene!