Do not click on the following link unless you really have to see this stuff. You KNOW things are going downhill when I resort to headcheese. ;)
Who thinks I need a break? Raise hands!

The four Us of 4U. OK this is a simple one but I realized the shots of this full logo had the text too obscure for most of you to read.

Chain Bear's Back! Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

The Proof, Written by T Campbell, illustrated by John Waltrip.
Story cover art by Erica Henderson! Erica and T also work with Phil Kahn at Guilded Age!
Great week guys! (and since I've been asked, I dub this week Semi-Canon! (and wish to see a part 2!))

Its a Chain Bear Weekend. Stuart and Lauren sent me the two related pieces were running this weekend ages ago, and I was waiting for a chance to run them back to back. This weekend is fitting since this is the weekend Stuart and Lauren are getting married! Congrats, guys! Chain Bear will return to do Sundays in November.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Its a Chain Bear Weekend. Stuart and Lauren sent me the two related pieces were running this weekend ages ago, and I was waiting for a chance to run them back to back. This weekend is fitting since this is the weekend Stuart and Lauren are getting married! Congrats, guys! Chain Bear will return to do Sundays in November.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Just an FYI, I KNOW today is not Halloween, I'm just doing a set of four of these this weekend and next.

Not so much ref, and most of you probably already know but... "Slap Chop Rap" you're welcome.

Inconsequential Ref: Must… resist… the urge… to poke…
(And yes, Shankraft Henchmen are not very smart or strong willed.)

Apologies for taking a bronchitis sick day. I might want to have this looked at. A staring contest, as it were.

Happy thanksgiving! I wanted to do something better but ran out of time. This sketch may or may not be incorporated into a later strip. Time to make the turkey!

Todays art has nothing to do with 'next week spoilers' or manipulating art in the pencil sketch stage. It is simply an artsy piece Ive created entitled Sasha, Meet Elbow.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Along the theme of last Saturdays sketch, Ive created a companion piece entitled Back of a Cruel Lady.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing. Like a far too high percentage of fat naked people.

Today's art created for you by Stuart of Chain Bear.
Chain Bear often contains images not suitable for work or school viewing. Like a far too high percentage of fat naked people.