Ref: Dan (mentioned yesterday)-First appearance | Dan-Last Seen | Main Building & Garage | “Locked up”.

Ref: "Torg's been Located!" | FR-ech.
UPDATE: Here I am thinking the “four elements” were universal. I was just schooled on the traditional Chinese five elements of fire, water, earth, wood, and metal, which would be a more obvious choice for Daiyu to reference! Had I known I would have had to scrap the joke (with a touch of seriousness… I mean, fire breathing ducks=Certain DOOM) so I’ll just pretend Daiyu was schooled someplace where they were all about the fire, air, water and earth. You should too!

OK, technically today's comic is made up of the exact comics from March 10th and March 18th, 2010. All the information in these comics are pertinent to the story and instead of finding a way to retell the same information it was just better on all counts to rerun them in this story.

Ref: Operation Ferret Butt | Dr. Shankraft | Red Durango (Dr. Dee not yet introduced) | Thuggish Petroleum | That picture on Genarro's wall...

Refs: Crushestro P.R. Probs | McPiñata's fate (and magazine cover) | Quinoa | Dr. Nofun refuses to join Hereti-Corp | Torg, lost | Bestseid's Takeover.
Older Refs: Kusari and the cult symbol.
Oldest Refs: Chen and Transponders, Dan-met (first appearance).

Recommended Reading (in case you haven't or need a catch up. Heck, it's a good read!)
-4U City Gray (Aka "758449", yeah i'm thinking of changing the title!)
-A 4U City Christmas (Nothing actually pertinent here, but to be inclusive...)
-4U City Green
-4U City Blue
Ref: The incidents around "The Massacre at 4U Central Tower".

Refs: 'Our' McPinata | Torg Tracking Device (last panel) | Wrench-Bot | Riff has Rammer's Pendantech (1) (2)
The first Pendantech was provided by Rammer for Riff. Riff addapted the design into the Pendabots used in his revolutionary "freedom kits"

Similar home-dimensional ref: Younger Schlock of the future (Schlock’s in panels 2 and 3!) | Older Schlock of the past…!
Current dimensional ref: “Outsiders”

Ref: "....burns on the top and side of your head..." | "That meeting in my office..." | "758449?"

You know, I put these reference comics below the strip now for handy reminders of where youve seen things before or to enhance a flashback or just because. Sometimes there is strong plot-related significance, other times, its like hey thats neat! This is probably neither but I didnt want anyone to feel they needed to reread all of Oceans Unmoving (unless they really want to) when I go ref: Caribs. Nuff said.
Ref: Caribs.

This is technically half a comic. I realized I couldn't pull off all 6 rows and have the comic up by dawn so I had to split it right down the middle. You guys will see a legible timeline and some clarity tomorrow!

Refs: Rammer's message was sent to his office, which is why he didn't expect it to be replayed... | "Riff, My Boy" | Y-Frames refer to bots like the M.O.M.M.Y. | What this parallel Dimension Schlock MIGHT have been referring to with the term "Corsicas"...

OK, so I'm a little burned-outish lately! I'm taking Memorial Day weekend as "off" as I possibly can so please excuse the lack of effort in the strips from here through Monday! And enjoy the weekend everybody! And remember.

OK, so I'm a little burned-outish lately! I'm taking Memorial Day weekend as "off" as I possibly can so please excuse the lack of effort in the strips from here through Monday! And enjoy the weekend everybody! And remember.

OK, so I'm a little burned-outish lately! I'm taking Memorial Day weekend as "off" as I possibly can so please excuse the lack of effort in the strips from here through Monday! And enjoy the weekend everybody! And remember.

'Nanites' Ref: Nanites picked up by Torg in Med Station (panel 6) but took a while to work. | Nanites pass from Torg to Rammer and worked swiftly. | Nanites pass from Torg or Rammer to Riff... | ...and took a while to work (panel 7).

Refs: Rammer's comment on Izzy (panel 8) | Riff's personal flashbacks: (1) (2) (3) | Random Ref.

Background Refs:
Dr. Schlock's Alternate Future: Home version | 4U City Version Recounted.
Townhouse: Zoë moves in | Housewarming Party | Oasis arrives.

I decided to run two Gwynns because some like her better with glasses and some without! The two version here are Gwynn from the North Carolina Nag's Head vacation, and the outfit Gwynn wore on her first date with Riff, and again for 'Keg Party of Five'.

Ref: For Bun-bun and Riff, the day of Oasis' attack begins here. Although for us, the execution of Feng is a better place to begin.
And for the other refs: Monica dies | Aylee taken down and Bun-bun fights (Aylee 2)| Bun-bun burns | Zoë burns.

Ref: Displacement | Minions Are Forever.
Special Note: Kweepie (seen) (mentioned) and Dr. Dee of "Operation Red Durango" are shown in the bottom right-hand Crushestro montage despite the fact that Red Durango has never been fully explained in the strip to date.

Ref: Vampire Queen | Demon Crush | the Storm Breaker.
BTW today's comic was supposed to have one more panel but I really poorly planned out my time and wouldn't have it ready in time. You'll understand when you see the first panel of tomorrow's comic!

Ref: 758449 | 4U City Green| 4U City Blue| 4U City Red.
See also: Bun-bun's (and Riff's) tale | Torg's tale.
BTW today's comic is the ONE panel that I was supposed to finish yesterday's comic with. And I barely finished it in time. Almost two full days on this one. Clearly I have time-estimation issues.

Torg's 'Dimension of Pain' Concerns Ref: Lab 21's Squid-on-a-Stick | Dim-Sum Henchmen of Pang | Lab 21 (explained by Dr. Nofun) | Torg's culpability (explained by Crushestro).
General Ref: Dimension of Pain | Squid-on-a-Stick.

Lot's-O-Ref: 'Old Cranky Me's' Warning | Mr. Serving Tray | Rammer, Torg and Aylee | Our dimension's Rammer | Torg on Riff's dating | Gwynn and Zoe on Riff's dating... | Crystal on Riff's dating... | Riff bowel movement refs... none | Girl on the Rea-5 Team.