I feel like I should point out that today's strip is a parody of the Saw franchise of horror movies, lest you think Torg has gone off the deep end. Or 'as well as Torg going off the deep end'.

Happy Halloween! Enjoy today's tribute to AMC's The Walking Dead. I enjoyed attempting (and falling short) to ghost the style of Tony Moore from the Image Comic Book series. In this rare case, I really like the television adaptation of the comic book more than the comic book itself!

Here's an element of the cover of the upcoming Sluggy Freelance Book 11! It's kinda fitting since Halloween was moved to this weekend for my area thanks to it getting snowed out and crushed under tree-limbs last weekend.

Here's an element of the cover of the upcoming Sluggy Freelance Book 11! It's kinda fitting since Halloween was moved to this weekend for my area thanks to it getting snowed out and crushed under tree-limbs last weekend.

In honor of the release of Book 11 at IndyPlanet I give you this clip of the artwork used in the book 11 bonus story -- The Holiday Overlord's Edict
All dialogue has been removed from today's art to avoid major spoilers. The art does not contain spoilers beyond what you'd know from reading the first page of the bonus story, so have no fear there.

In honor of the release of Book 11 at IndyPlanet I give you this clip of the artwork used in the book 11 bonus story -- The Holiday Overlord's Edict
All dialogue has been removed from today's art to avoid major spoilers. The art does not contain spoilers beyond what you'd know from reading the first page of the bonus story, so have no fear there.

SAFEHOUSE-'THE NOM' begins January 2nd!
Happy safe and healthy holidays and New Year to you and yours!

Thanks to Sluggites James and Mike! This wonderful piece of Holiday Wars art was created by Hannah Mericle of Chinchillustrations!

Congratulations to Sluggite Derrick for winning a horrible death in todays comic last LibertyCon! Face chewed off by an effectively zombified Canadian Ninja Yak. To the 80s pop Footloose soundtrack. Youre welcome.

As MassEffect3 approaches I'm filling the weekend-part of the gap with some MassEffect2/Sluggy sketches!

As MassEffect3 approaches I'm filling the weekend-part of the gap with some MassEffect2/Sluggy sketches!

As MassEffect3 approaches I'm filling the weekend-part of the gap with some MassEffect2/Sluggy sketches!

As MassEffect3 approaches I'm filling the weekend-part of the gap with some MassEffect2/Sluggy sketches!

Ref: Torg was Awaiting | a Phone | Call...
Social Ref: For the record,’ Settlers of Catan’ is a great game but because of the eventuality of trading Sheep for Wood, I believe it is a Federal law that there be at least one Sheep/Wood double entendre joke per game, most likely more. From that absolute rule came Sluggy’s’ Kettleres of Satán.’

As MassEffect3 approaches I'm filling the weekend-part of the gap with some MassEffect2/Sluggy sketches!

As MassEffect3 approaches I'm filling the weekend-part of the gap with some MassEffect2/Sluggy sketches!

As MassEffect3 fades off into the sunset, I'm finishing this week with the last two MassEffect2/Sluggy sketches!

As MassEffect3 fades off into the sunset, I'm finishing this week with the last two MassEffect2/Sluggy sketches!