Recommended (not mandatory) reading to refresh you on who everyone is in the booth and where Hereti-Corp was at when last we saw them...Another Year in the Life of a Villain.

Did I say "That "Z" logo is new and more will be explained tomorrow"? I meant "the day after tomorrow!" ;)

You know, for the life of me I can't remember if I ever established whether or not Lysinda Circle Vampires (i.e. Cirkail Mamajama Vampires, (i.e. Sam)) can be digitally photographed.

This is not an important reference at all but Mark and Chip have been working in fast food a long time!

Refs: When first we met Jane (I think) | When last we saw Jane | When first we met Zhoas | When last we saw Zhoas | When Zhoas was last mentioned...

Ref: Shankraft's DFA-Gun. | Schlock puts Shankraft onto a much bigger project (orbital weapon)...

Ref: Tadius Greasenherr, a.k.a. "Noah Zark".
Recommended Reading: 'Girls Night Out' (also available in book form: BOOK 10)

Ref: For the record, despite the fact that Torg got ZHOAS (zombie-head-on-a-stick) before Zoë and Riff ‘blew up’, Zoë never met ZHOAS. Go check if you don’t believe me! ;)

FORGOT TO REF YESTERDAY'S COMIC: Riff's Documentation Issues (that Dr. Schlock exploited).
Todays RE-ref: Tadius Greasenherr, a.k.a. "Noah Zark".
Recommended Reading: 'Girls Night Out' (also available in book form: BOOK 10)

The Corsica Files continue! It all started here, and continued for weekends after.
Here's a nifty overview!

The Corsica Files continue! It all started here, and continued for weekends after.
Here's a nifty overview!

Corsica Files Ref: Box of #40-#43...
it's the Corsica Files! It all started here, and continued for weekends after.
Here's a nifty overview!

MEDICAL EMERGENCY: Due to an illness involving multiple trips to the emergency room and culminating in severe pneumonia, Sluggy Freelance went on hiatus for a week (which had only ever happened once before) followed by months of 3-comics-a-week just shy of being able to claim 15 years of daily content. Durn kids and their durn germs!

Leah (age 12) got home from school today and asked me if it'd be helpful of her to draw a picture of the cast as cats. :)

Unimportant (at the moment) Roberts Ref: Last Saw Roberts (Corsica Files) | Last Saw Roberts (Main Story) | Roberts First Apperance.

Ref: Bun-bun and "that Oasis-chick". (SO wanted to have him refer to her as 'crazy-pants!') And, just in case, Kiki-Falcon Retrieve...

Currently any animated gif comics have not been
resized for the new archive due to it breaking the animation.
***Fifteen Years of Sluggy Freelance!***
Wow! Fifteen years and still going strong! I can hardly believe it, yet here we are! For the 5th anniversary I did a cool flash animated comic to welcome the return of Zoë as a regular member of the strip, back when Flash was new-ish! For the 10th anniversary I tried to put together a collective celebration of Sluggy Freelance (and in classic me-style never got the durn thing done).
So on this 15th anniversary I must admit Ive been stumped on what to do. No time for flash animations or to put together a collective celebration for you. And the tone of the recent strips sure arent Zoës Triumphant Return! More like Sasha, how could you?
So weve got the basic standard animated strip, but with color and heart. Thanks to my wife Rachel for coming up with the idea of having Kiki sing Fifty instead of Fifteen which made me think of how slipups get exaggerated and can totally burn your career in the Olympics
and there you go.
Whereas accolades are nice, in the end Ive always let the comics quality speak for itself. It seems like it is the only thing in my business that I get right. So Im not going to go for fanfare* this year. Just the knowledge that here I am, a decade and a half from where Torg and the gang started, still standing proud, and still feeling very, very lucky to be doing this for a living, and feeling very grateful to you all for allowing me to do so, and still enjoying run-on sentences. Thanks to you all!
*And for the record, if I had time in my schedule I would TOTALLY go for fanfare!

Our 15th Anniversary Celebration Continues!
Yes, I know in this world Torg and the gang dont have Twitter, they have Bleater. But I always think of these first-comic-parody comics as being commentary on our real-world internet. And how could I get Satan fired over just 12 characters (ala Bleater)? Wait, dont answer that.
Ref: 10th Anniversary Special Edition Comic | The First Comic.

Ref: First Partially Sluggy Week | Second Partially Sluggy Week | Origin of today's 'Clip Art'.
REMINDER: No comics Saturday and Sunday!

I accidentally ran the Wednesday comic for this week on Tuesday! When I went to fix it, apparently removing an existing comic from a date causes a server error when you click on that date on the calendar. So I needed to run a placeholder. Plus Im a dummy.

Ref: Nofun Mutagen Prototype [Squid-on-a-stick] (1) (2) | Demon Spear Calmadar [Squid-on-a-stick] (1) (2) | Cookie Factory | Alien Clone Army | 'Stopped Cloney'.

I should note that today's comic is kinda the last 4 panels of yesterday's comic (or that this was the best place to break up the combined 24 panels into two strips!)

To avoid impending burnout I took it easy today and only completed the second half of yesterday's comic. Probably has a better rythm if you see them together!
Ref: 'Village Guy' (third to last panel).

Ref: Inky Possibly first Apperance (panel 5 back right)| Crushed Boss's Skull | "This Guy"...

Do I really need to ref "4boobs"? OK. First | Last. Also despite being in the script I failed to establish Teresa bringing in Torg's sword in this comic. Sorry, that was my totall screw-up.

Today's Halloween Art was created by my daughter Leah Abrams. What's wrong with me, making her draw something like that? Here's hoping I still have power (thanks Hurricane Sandy), and hoping you all have a happy Halloween!

HAVE TO FIX LATER: Mark-16 should be Mark-19.
ALSO: I can't remember if the Lancer was stolen from Hereti-Corp's Rea-1, as WELL as designed directly from the Mark-19 plans Torg provided Crushestro.
Ref: Exports Executive | Lancer-5 | REA-1 | Mark-19.

Since we're not sure if Torg is dead, having a premonition, or dreaming, who knows if these refs are pertinent? Or which ones to use? Anywho: Charlotte | Fate Spider | Bug | Fluffy | What happens when you type Fate Spider into the Sluggy Nifty Search.

This is actually a little less than half of today's planed comic. I tend to like to run more panels with action scenes as the time moves fast and breaking it up into 24 hour chunks doesn't do it justice, but there was no way I could get the whole thing done in time.

Leah got inspired after reading A Christmas Carol in school this year and then seeing the Disney Jim Carrey version of A Christmas Carol. She thought This isnt like the book! Its creepy! Theyre scaring Scrooge in to believing in whatever they want him to believe in! In this case, Christmas! (I am paraphrasing here) As with Thanksgiving, I had little influence over this one. Color me proud.

Ref: We've seen Drake before, unnamed, (but I'm not sure if more than once before!) | Isabella: Yeah, I'll reference her soon.

They did live happily ever after as established in yesterdays strip. And I fully authorize anyone who wants to pretend that the story ended yesterday to do so! Silly frogs.