So Leah's taking over the strip, I'm retiring TODAY! (HA! Kidding!)
Lets all hear it for this weeks guest artist Leah Abrams!
Anywho Leah volunteered to step up with filling in for me this week as long as I helped with the writing. I know she also hoped to have this comic inked but she ran out of time. I sort-a sprung it on her last minute and she has lots of school work.
The current plan is to start the next Chapter (entitled "Six Months Later...") on Monday even though I have grouped this Guest Artist Week with that next Chapter. More news as we go!

Big thanks to Leah who muscled through severe allergy attacks and tons of homework to do this week for me!

So I put Aylee in a Sia wig because it made my wife laugh (and it covers her face). I'm not sure exactly how much of my audience can readily identify a Sia wig (maybe a lot? maybe a few?) but now I'm disturbed by how much Aylee looks like Agent N'aaaw. Thus Sia looks like Agent N'aaaw. I'm gonna have to think on that...
balthazar, I totally gave Gwynn rhinestone "beauty marks".

Lets all hear it for this weeks guest artist Leah Abrams!!!
Ref: Vocational School of Technically Technology | Dark Arts Department.

Pokemon Mentions: (1) | (2) | (3)
Reminder: Hereti-Corp now controls Grab-All, and a Grab-All account is used for Pokemon Go, in this world at least! ;)
Full disclosure: I’m a happy Pokemon Go player and, although tempted, have yet to run in to traffic. In Pokemon and all things, enjoy what you like; assess the risks, play responsibly.

Ref: Mr. Needles (First Mentioned).
Mook: First Seen | Last Seen.
Smokey: First Seen | Last Seen.
Nifty News Fifty Report on Nasa: (1) (2) (3).

Are Peirce and Lance brothers? Are they related to Lupae Indahed? is "Indahed" a common last name in the Sluggyverse? I'm thinking the later.
ALSO some ref links for the person in the last panel tomorrow!

Oasis Ref: It's complicated. First seen.
Last seen conscious (bROKEN). Last seen alive (in Hereti-Corp Custody). Last seen dead (by the Strawman's hand). News of 'Oasis resurfacing'.
We also saw an alternate version of Oasis in 4U City, going by the name Harbinger.
Harbinger: First Seen. Last seen alive. Last seen dead (bottom of panel 2).
Hope I didn't miss anything! Is Harbinger important to this story? Probably not. But she's COOL!

Kareen Zalia: First seen (Bonus Story in Book 9, "The Path Unbeaten) | Next apperance.
Last seen (panel 5) | Last mentioned.

Katie Zalia: First seen (Bonus Story in Book 9, "The Path Unbeaten) | Next apperance.
Last seen (panel 5) | Last mentioned.

Ref: Oasis Dead |Oasis Back | Oasis Leaves | Zalias imprissoned.
Sidenote: I also noticed Feng wasn't included in the flashback/recap!

Ref: The House of Cheese Logo (1) (2) | The Icecream | Evidence of more recent agents lost in persuit of Oasis and the Zalias.

Currently any animated gif comics have not been
resized for the new archive due to it breaking the animation.
I can hardly believe I'm only going to be doing one more of these! But this is fitting for the next-to-last one.
It's the "Sluggy Freelance's 19th Anniversary" Animated Strip!

Sorry for the late uber-rare emergency filler art thingy today. Rescripting is running too late. I really need to make sure the scripts are well planned for the next week or two! You could just pretend I took Labor Day off early... ?

Refs: 5 dead (tv report) | 7 dead (newspaper headline) | All part of Daedalus' plan to track Oasis.
Also, if you missed it, Panel 2 of this strip.

Ref: Torg with Flowers | Oasis Falls | Torg at the Window | Oasis Screams | The End of Dr. Steve (remastered).

Let's all hear it for this week's guest artist Leah Abrams!!!
Ref: Vocational School of Technically Technology | Transfer Student (1) (2)..

This chapter has nothing to do with Vampires but Anywho Vampire Ref (fourth sect is important): Riff off to Alaska | Riff on Alaska | Random Alaska Ref | Arminius Vambrey (First) (+Riff) (Last Mentioned).
More Important Ref: XT-34 Inflatable Spacecraft. (more detailed Ref tomorrow)

Apologies for this extra short comic! Torg Spaceship Ref: XT-33 (deflated /inflated) | Rammer’s Bag of Parting Gifts | XT-34 in digbot territory.
Izzy: I Care.

Ref: Izzy's Coordination Battlefield Tech [Used HERE and throughout "R&D Wars: Blitzrieg"] [Attributed to Izzy Here].

My thanks to my daughter Leah who Inktobered todays Halloween art on short notice despite heavy school deadlines!

Sorry for this emergency filler, we should be back on schedule tomorrow! And Book 16 is FINALLY off to the printers!

OK this was the second half of yesterday's comic. Hoping this marks the official end to the delays for a little while! But book 16 is done! YAY!
Ref: Backdoor Open!

Lots-o-Chen Refs: Chen First Appearance | Chen Oasis connection | Oasis and Dr. Chen photo | Chen, Gwynn, and Torg | Chen Arrested | Chen Released | "Out and in a Labcoat" | Chen's Power Play | Powerplay Aftermath | Chen Recruited by Torg | Chen last seen (I think!).

Mayor Ref: Drake makes a cameo apperance in the Book 16 Bonus Story "The Frost-Apple Festival"

Ref: Why, Kusari? Newguy on the Board. Oh, and from yesterday: Geocomputing!
(One timing note, at the point and time of this comic's final row, Frog had not yet been informed of Corsica's demise at Kusari's hand. When he is, he is not happy.)

Merry Christmas (eve) and Happy Holidays from Leah and the whole Abrams family!
More Leah art all week starting Monday!